Sunday 31 July 2016

Preethi Tatambhotla - Kuchipudi - A JOYFUL PRESENTATION

Preethi Tatambothla at the Kalasagaram Annual Youth Festival Of Dance 15th March 2015 Keyes High School
      Culture is a sum total of man-made attitudes, arts, traditions and values acquired through living in society. ‘Art’, in culture, encompasses the visual arts, the literary arts and the performing arts - music, theatre, dance - the spoken word, and film & architecture, the last two, which amongst other things, include elements of the visual, literary and theatrical.
     Kuchipudi, in traditional classical Indian dance, unites music, dance and theatre. It is a dance form that tells stories, Abhinaya, telling stories that reach out to the audience. It is a dance discipline that requires dancers to use their whole ‘being’ to tell a story, using the body, hand gestures, legs and rhythmic footwork, facial expressions and the eyes to communicate a story.
     In this contemporary age of self obsession and crass consumerism in which ignorance and a lack of cultural understanding prevails; where beauty, love, creativity, awareness, and cultural consciousness live a very fragile coexistence, it was a pleasure to see a young dancer perform and raise hope for the future.
     The dancer was Preethi Tatambhotla. A student/disciple of the redoubtable Dr. Shobha Naidu, herself a most renowned exponent of Kuchipudi, choreographer and educationist.
     In the performance that I witnessed, Preethi, danced with joy and grace, and from her first high stepping entry to the stage in a garnet red blouse and amber/orange sari, her stage presence commanded attention, and she lived her dance.
     The distinguishing feature about the whole evenings’ performance was the imaginative and interesting choreography. The choreographer for all the pieces in the evening’s performance was Dr Shobha Naidu. The selection of music, poetry and choreography was outstanding, innovative and empathetically choreographed. In the notes I had made during the performance, I had noted that she had ‘dismissed sameness’ and that she had made the dances look ‘traditional and contemporary’ at the same time.
     The ensemble of musicians that accompanied Preethi were a pleasure to listen to, for a music lover such as I am, the music at a dance recital is heard with as much absorption as the dance performance, and this ensemble of musicians, veterans that they are, give off their best each time they perform, and they are truly a pleasure to listen to, especially in the composition ‘Vachenu alamelumanga’, by Annamacharya Keerthana, in which the dancer depicts the navarasas, and the music changes for each of the navarasa’s - Sringara, Hasya, Karuna, Roudra, Veera, Bhayanaka, Bheebatsa, Adbhutha, Shantha.
     The musicians were singer Swetha Prasad, Nattuvanar (wielder of cymbals) N. Ch. Raghunandan, Mridangist Sridharacharya and Violinist Kolanka Sai Kumar.
     And the dancer lived up to the superb music, the great musicians, the narrative drama and the choreography. The dances were executed with empathy. Preethi’s footwork was agile and vigorous where it needed to be, and delicate at times when needed. Her body language was energetic and languid in turns, and her hand movements and facial expressions were animated and yet subtle and nuanced, she communicated the narrative in each piece, mouthing the words so unique to Kuchipudi, in dance that was theatrical, and in a manner that was compelling and absorbing. 
     Her first entry to the stage on the evening at the wonderful outdoor venue at Keyes High School was to ‘Kanjadalaya dakshi’, composed by Muthuswamy Dikshitar to Ragam Kamalamanohari to Tallam – Adi.
     The second item ‘Vachenu alamelumanga’ by Annamacharya Keerthana in Ragam: Hindolam to Taalam, Adadi was the main piece of the evening, and this performance was a tour de force for a Kuchipudi dancer to depict nine different rasa’s seamlessly.

     The third item on the programme was a Javali – ‘Apaduruku Lonaithine’ by Composer – Pattabhiramayya in Raagam: Khammas and Taalam: Adi
This Javali - Javali are quick,  often erotic, love compositions with catchy tunes – is about a fickle young woman who doesn’t know how to deal with her attraction to men, and this  Javali, needed the dancer to use her acting skills in combination with creative choreography  to depict the dilemma of the confused and flirtatious girl.
     The fourth and last  composition was  Mohana Kalyani Thillana to Ragam: Mohana Kalyani  
Talam: Adi, composed by, the brilliant violinist, Lalgudi Jayaraman. This was followed by mangalam - Ramachandraya Janaka
     Preethi’s perfromance was exceedingly good by any standards, but no little credit must go to the choreographer, Shobha Naidu, who lifted the dance performance out of the realms of the ordinary, and the truly wonderful ensemble of musicians. 

      And getting back to the idea of culture, tradition and the classical arts, it is a good sign that young dancers like Preethi Tatambhotla are continuing traditions and being standard bearers for Kuchipudi, and classical dance performance in this age of instant gratification and pop culture. It was truly a pleasurable evening. And Preethi made it so. 

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