Thursday 28 July 2016

CHINA MOSES - Tribute to Dinah Washington

     Vocalist China Moses, pianist Raphael Lemonnier with Fabien Markoz on Upright bass and Jean-Pierre Derouard on drums were top-flight, accomplished professional Jazz musicians who delighted us with a deeply fulfilling programme of jazz.
     We have to thank fate for bringing together Soul and R&B singer and MTV presenter China Moses with Jazz pianist Raphael Lemonnier, who through their shared interest in the music of Dinah Washington, collaborated and created this brilliant show which brings to life the music of the ‘Queen of the Blues’, Dinah Washington.
     China Moses has an endearing stage presence and her stage-craft is practised, polished and amusing; livening up the music with humorous, and almost gossipy insights into the life and personality of Dinah Washington - and though her singing is very different from Dinah Washington’s - she conveyed a very good idea of the times, and the music of the Queen of the Blues. 
     China Moses is a bluesy-timbered contralto with a high voltage, malleable voice - a versatile instrument - alternately muscular, punchy and incisive, and then soft, smooth and refined. She can sock it to the audience with a powerful swing, drive and clear delivery, and intersperse these soul-diva eruptions with her voice modulated to caress and coax - in response to the feeling of the song. All the songs were delivered with assurance. Every word enunciated with clarity and finesse. She is an outstanding Jazz singer; she sings with emotion, she swings and she interprets songs with feeling - of which every nuance is conveyed to the audience.
     Raphael Lemonnier on piano was a perfect accompanist and creative soloist. Precise, intelligent and musical; complementing and supplementing the song with faultless modulation, dynamics and rhythmic variations. He played fluently and elegantly, playing in all the Jazz styles ‘swing’, ‘cool’, ‘bebop’… and whatever, and when the occasion arose, like a real thumping blues pianist.
     It was a controlled and professional performance by fine musicians.
     The most memorable of the songs was ‘Cry Me A River’, which was sung with such feeling and emotional intent that the singer had to spend time after the song wiping her eyes, the emotion of the song was picked up by the audience with complete empathy.
     China was clearly in her element when she sang the blues, especially the up-tempo, rambunctious blues like ‘Fat Daddy’ and ‘Evil Gal Blues’  which she dedicated respectively to the overweight men in the room and to the all the women in the room respectively. Her own blues ‘Dinah’s Blues’, for which she wrote the words to music composed and arranged by Raphael Lemonnier, was a tour-de-force of the blues, where the song is taken through its paces, in all its ups and downs; one of the most complete blues in content and variation. A treat to the ear!  
     Amongst the songs which were sung with such great feeling and a wonderful jazz sensibility, was, ‘What a Difference a Day made’ which was sung with great sensitivity. Other beautifully rendered songs were ‘Is You Is or Is You Aint My Baby’, ‘Mad About The Boy’ and ‘Good bye’.
     Listening to a professional band of great musicians, being treated to a couple of great bass solos by Fabien Markoz, who was versatile, playing both jazz and blues songs with the appropriate bass accompaniment, and playing his solos with finesse and creativeness, his double bass sound a pleasure to hear.
     And Jean-Pierre Derouard on drums, with an always-mischievous- smile, was a steady accompanist. During his drum solo, all the musicians walked off the stage leaving him in the spotlight. His mischief and humour was exposed to all during his solo, where he showed that he is more than a subtle and sympathetic accompanist. He could really belt it out, beating the hell out of the skins, making the drums talk. Shifting rhythms and patterns at will. Another great performance!
     It was great evening and we are glad that China Moses, MTV presenter and soul singer, who likes the music of Beyonce and Mary J. Blige, decided to move from hip hop and soul and R&B to Jazz. Jazz has gained a new rising star. 
     The evening ended with Raphael playing Happy Birthday. It was China Moses birthday, and it was a day that we were all glad that she was born on – to entertain us. What a lovely day. A day later or early would not have been the same. What A Difference A Day Made! 
For Hyderabad Western Music Foundation - 9th January 2010

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