Thursday 9 April 2020


     The music that Aman Mahajan showcases in this his first solo album cannot be boxed in or defined as a particular genre of music.
     ‘Refuge’ was released on 11 December 2019, on Subcontinental Records as a CD; a high-quality digital release; a limited-edition poster that came bundled with the digital release, and it's on all streaming services. 
     The music on this album defies genre. Composed between 2005–2018, the tunes synthesise jazz, Indian music, European classical music, East Asian themes, West African music, and folk music from around the world.
     That said, the music is classy, thoughtful, controlled, and yet, free. And the compositions are solid, grounded and refrain from needless razzle dazzle. They are introspective, yet lucid, as the pianist composer lets it all out in measured liberation - segueing from pre-set compositions to free-form improvisations in unnoticeable, smooth transitions that display the pianist's tasteful sensitivity and ability to extemporise spontaneously.
     The pianist/composer's compositions encompass a contemporary approach to music and incorporates a whole range of musical structures and stimulating rhythms and rhythm cycles; catchy melody lines, interesting harmonies and imaginative, just-the-right kind of improvisation for the structure of the composition. And though the compositions may sound simple, they are filled with rhythmic complexity, intriguing harmonies and appealing melodies.
    You can tell from the titles of the ten compositions that all the tunes in the album are unalike and appear to be inspired by diverse influences, and, whether or not you like classical music, jazz, or world music, the music on Aman's solo album 'Refuge' is sure footed, entertaining and engrossing!      
     Where Is It?  Is in the form of a cyclic chant, an incantation of repeated rhythmic phrases. The Ten Thousand Questions - employs unusual jazz chord progressions within an Eastern sounding scale and a seven beat rhythm cycle. More Than You Know - (Youtube link to More Than you know) is an interplay 
between Raag Des and certain harmonic and melodic fragments found in gospel music. Sitaphalmandi - the rhythm of the first section of this tune is based on Dappankuthu, a South Indian folk-dance beat, with the second section loosely based on a jazz waltz. Connections - is about the mystery of the unending cycle of the universe. The main motif repeats itself like unending reflections of itself. Beginningless - is another circular motif where a pattern/ motif is repeated throughout, but reframed by changing rhythms. Leifmotif - inspired by a falling leaf, this composition is in the rhythm cycle of 7 beats, and the melody is devised from Coltrane chord changes combined with Raga Yaman.
Where Is It? (reprise) // Refuge – an alternative take of the first tune, with new melodic and rhythmic variations on the theme.  Unnamed (live) - Recorded live in Graz, Austria - Aman shows his strong sense of how to frame his soloing. Sun Dance - is an attractive composition that makes you want to dance. It enlivens your spirit.   
     Aman Mahajan's syncretic, contemporary approach does not belong to a particular style of music, yet as one listens, the music grows quite special as Aman Mahajan weaves a dense yet liberating spell over the listener as each tune goes forward, layer over layer. Above all, the album 'Refuge' has been recorded so well and the tonal balance is so true and immediate that it sounds like a live recording in an auditorium with true acoustics.       
You can follow the album and artist on

Listen - YouTube links

More Than You Know


The Ten Thousand Questions - Trio
