Shovana Narayan - Kathak Dance Theatre

The costume-colours of the dancers and the carefully designed stage and
lghting matched the ochre robes of the Tibetan Buddhist monks while they moved
in procession. Chanting sometimes. Clapping cymbals sometimes. Strategically
and aesthetically placing themselves on the platforms placed at two levels on
the stage, on and around which, the principle dancer Shovana Narayan, and the
graceful and energetic Kathak dancers, six female and two male dancers, worked their magic. Swooping and swirling around the monks.
graceful and energetic Kathak dancers, six female and two male dancers, worked their magic. Swooping and swirling around the monks.
Narayan the the principal dancer and choreographer, commanded the eyes of the
audience when she made a her entries, lending more drama to the already
dramatic ballet, while she pirrouetted and whirled; tracing elegant arabesques
with her arms and etching the floor with her rhythmic footwork.
The very accomplished dancers of the troupe
were excellent to watch too, while they twirled and swayed and danced to the
specially composed and recorded music, to tell the stories, the katha, that
kathak is named for, which Shovana Narayan had choreographed so spectacularly.

Kathak itself is a beautiful dance form, and a pleasingly conceived
dance ballet with nine Kathak dancers and six Tibetan Buddhist monks on stage, took dance aesthetics to a high point. The mind lingered on the dance theatre that we saw; we enjoyed the visual imagery and the worlds created by the dancers in a series of evocations; we enjoyed the passion and the precision with which the dancers expressed themselves, the difficult rhythms that they exultantly danced through, and we enjoyed the marriage of music, dance and meditation that they presented.
As Rinpoche Duboom Tulku, the stately, Founder and Managing Trustee of
the World Buddhist Culture Trust, co-sponsor, along with the Departments of
Culture and Language, and Tourism, Govt.of Telangana, said, the idea of having
this beautiful presentation was nothing more than to share the belief in “love,
compassion and tolerance”. dance ballet with nine Kathak dancers and six Tibetan Buddhist monks on stage, took dance aesthetics to a high point. The mind lingered on the dance theatre that we saw; we enjoyed the visual imagery and the worlds created by the dancers in a series of evocations; we enjoyed the passion and the precision with which the dancers expressed themselves, the difficult rhythms that they exultantly danced through, and we enjoyed the marriage of music, dance and meditation that they presented.
Photographs: G.V. Anna Rao
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