A Celebration of Music Played on Piano
The 'Twin Cities Piano Festival 2017' was really a tribute to pluralism and the composite culture of the twin cities of Hyderabad & Secunderabad. It was also a tribute to the parents of music students, and music teachers, proving that the people of the Twin cities appreciate and encourage good music, even music that is not rooted in local culture.
The programme concluded with a surprise,
with both the pianists getting together to play a four hand piece.
Hyderabad Western Music Foundation, Musee
Musical and Vidyaranya School, whose hallways and playgrounds are imbued with
the sound of music, created this two day ‘Twin Cities Piano Festival 2017’ on
the 11th and 12th of November.
The 'Twin Cities Piano Festival 2017' was really a tribute to pluralism and the composite culture of the twin cities of Hyderabad & Secunderabad. It was also a tribute to the parents of music students, and music teachers, proving that the people of the Twin cities appreciate and encourage good music, even music that is not rooted in local culture.
Hyderabad Western Music Foundation and
Musee Musical were very clear on why this was called a Piano festival. It is a
festival because it was not a competition; it was a celebration of the music
played on a Piano. And why piano? Why not keyboard? Because the Piano is an
acoustic, wooden musical instrument that produces a sound in which the tone
colour and timbre is natural and rich. It is the true instrument to bring out
the beauty of Western Classical music. A Yamaha Grand Piano was provided for
the festival by Musee Musical (Western Musical Instruments and Music
education), to celebrate their 175th year in the service of music.
Western classical music, as we call it,
can be described as ‘art’ music that stands the test of time and remains
relevant to generations after it has been composed. It is music that’s been
composed and written in music notation so that musicians can play it by reading
the musical notation, and so Western Classical music, or, really, all Classical
music, ‘Carnatic’ and’ Hindustani’ Classical music is played and listened to
for centuries after being composed, just as plays by Kalidasa or Shakespeare
are ‘classics’ because they are still read, performed and enjoyed even today,
centuries after they were written.
So, the music of Western Classical composers such as J.S Bach (1685-1750), W.A. Mozart (1756-1791), F. Schubert (1797-1827) and F. Lizst (1811-1886), live on even today, and pieces by these composers amongst other older and more recent composers, were performed by the young pianists/musicians on the 12th of November.
Day Two - Grand Finale of the Piano Festival
The 18 pianists selected out of 42 who
auditioned, displayed their musical abilities on the piano on the 12th of
November. And it was impressive to hear so many young piano students aged
between 7 and 16 show an interested audience how well they could play.
It was such great mix of young people and
the names of the 18 pianists that played showed how music brings together
people of different communities, and regional cultures.
The order of the young pianists who
played, according to the programme, was: Samuel A. Marcus 30 (announced as a
special guest), Vivek Mathur - 15, Ananda Gopalakrishnan - 11, Akundi
Indravandith Karthikeya - 11, Rushabh Musthyala - 16, Lakshay B. - 12,
Samyuktha Nandineni - 13, Dhriti Agarwal - 14 & Omi Vegada (four hands),
Bindu Sravanthi - 16, P. Vishal Reddy - 14, Kshittiesh Bharadwaj - 15,&
Khiyati Bharadwaj, Kashvi Aggarwal - 7,
P. Harshith Reddy - 13, Ananya Achanta - 13, Christine Grace Khumuckcham - 14,
Devulapalli Sai Sri Vaishnavi - 13, Yash Agarwal -13, Saketh Ram Josyabhatla - 15.
You can hear the whole evenings performances here on youtube:-
You can hear the whole evenings performances here on youtube:-
Music is the greatest communication in the
world and these young musicians were so proficient; of course, some more so
than others - a few showed so much promise that it looks like there will be
more concert pianists from India in the making - so that we in the audience
marvelled at their gift of music. Both Mamta & Jagruti of Musee Musica, and
Joe Koster of Hyderabad Western Music Foundation acknowledged that it is the
parents and teachers of these musically endowed young musicians who have to be
lauded, for recognising the children’s need for music and for encouraging them
to learn, practice and develop their talent.
Day One The Concert Pianists of the Piano Festival
Day One The Concert Pianists of the Piano Festival
We will now come back to the first day of
the Piano Festival, the 11th of November 2017. As part of the two day piano
festival, two judges who were brought in from Ahmadabad and Mumbai to audition
and select the pianists for the 12th of November, performed a selection of
classical pieces on the 11th November.
The musicians were Shantanu Patel, a concert pianist from Ahmedabad who has returned
from the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland with a Masters of Music (MU) in
performance and conducting, he is also an B.A. (Hons.) in music, specialising
in performance, from Middlesex University, London. Cecil Vineet is a composer
orchestrator, singer/songwriter, with a Masters degree in scoring for Film,
Television and Video games from the Berklee College of Music, Boston, he also
holds a Licentiate Diploma in Piano performance.
Though I love classical music, I am not a
musician enough, or expert enough, to tell whether the pianist interprets a
composer well or not, I will only say this about Shantanu Patel’s playing, that
he plays very naturally, fluidly and effortlessly, he could bang the hell out
of the piano and then play as softly as a whispered secret, he balanced
lyricism and piano gymnastics skilfully, yet captured the sentiment of all the
pieces he played.
Patel began the evenings programme with Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791) Twelve Variations on theme
"Ah, vous dirai-je, Maman"(English: “Ah, Mother, if I could tell
you”), K.265, based upon a French folk song.
Mozart’s work began by stating the basic
theme, the familiar tune “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star” and then with such a
simple theme, Mozart creates variations of the theme with modifications and
embellishment in rhythms, harmonies and texture and yet we recognise
the melody throughout. Mozart's genius is mind blowing.
Next he played Scherzo No. 2 in B-flat minor, Op. 31 by Frédéric
Chopin, composed and published in 1837. Chopin, many feel, is the best composer for the piano. Shantanu Patel introduced this piece by saying that though the composition is in B flat minor, most of the work is written in D flat major.
Chopin, composed and published in 1837. Chopin, many feel, is the best composer for the piano. Shantanu Patel introduced this piece by saying that though the composition is in B flat minor, most of the work is written in D flat major.
The third work Shantanu played was Prelude in G minor, Op. 23, No. 5,
by Sergei Rachmaninoff, which he completed in 1901. The pianist
displayed speed and subtlety both in the very intense fast sections and also in
the calm ones!
Shantanu Patel concluded his programme with
Prelude pour le piano, L. 95, a
three movement piano suite, Prelude, Sarabande and Toccata composed by Claude
Debussy, one of the most innovative composers who completed this work in
1903. Prelude pour le piano did not seem easy to play but was played in a way
that seemed effortless.
Vineet Abhishek, the modest and self effacing musician, in his
introduction, said, he had added orchestral accompaniment to Prelude in C-sharp minor Op. 3,
No. 2, one of Sergei Rachmaninoff's most famous Piano compositions,
electronically, as is done in many movie and television serials. He then
displayed his skill in not only playing the piano, but in programming, scoring
and arranging the Rachmaninoff Prelude in C-sharp minor in a tasteful
arrangement like a Concerto for piano and orchestra.

It is not common for the Twin Cities to
hear a bona fide concert pianist play live, and so this was a rare auditory
treat for this writer, and for all the other Western Classical music
enthusiasts, thanks to the ‘Twin Cities Piano Festival 2017’ and the phenomenal
effort put in by Joe Koster the chief organiser on behalf of the Hyderabad
Western Music Foundation.
Pratap Antony / 15/11/2017/HWMF www.hydmusic.com